Mia Khalifa wins the Physics Olympiad?
During the past weekend Twitter has been (once again) on everyone's lips. This time he did it thanks to the hoax that reconverted a porn actress in the brand new winner of the Physics Olympics.
"This girl is Montana Garcia and she is a neighbor of Caceres, she has just won the 2018 Physics and Chemistry Olympics, but since she is not a footballer and does not dedicate herself to realities, you will not see the news in any media." This was the text that accompanied the image of a smiling young woman, which turned out not to fulfill any of the previous definitions.
Neither is called Montana, nor is it a neighbor of Caceres, much less has just taken up the title in any Physics Olympiad. In fact, it is a porn actress known as Mia Khalifa. The tweet, published by the account @jpergim, quickly obtained a great impact on Twitter, where it already has more than 36,000 interactions.
Thousands of people, who did not follow these eight tips to avoid biting into a hoax, echoed information that turned out to be false. Among those affected are noted journalists who in some cases have even been forced to apologize from their official account.
Life Insurance

You can never stress enough how important a life insurance policy for peace and a family's financial future. Millions of people who can pay, lack of it in this country, do not know how many risks and uncertainties expose their children and their spouses in the event that, by an unexpected circumstance, death to the person providing basic household income .
"If you are the main source of income for your family or someone financially dependent on you, you need the protection of life insurance," says the specialist Elianne E. Gonzalez, spokesman for the Insurance Information Institute (III). "When you compare the level of protection you are receiving, today prices are very reasonable premiums," said the expert. The two main types of life insurance available are term insurance (term insurance) and permanent insurance (whole life insurance), and it is important that if you do not know, you are informed of their basic characteristics.
- Term Life Insurance. It is the simplest type of life insurance. The policy makes a payment when the insured person dies during the period or term of life of the policy, which can range from one to 30 years. The premiums for term policies are now lower than ever, as people are living together longer and are healthier.
If you consider buying a term insurance policy of short duration (one that lasts less than 10 years), look for one that offers a guaranteed renewal (renewal guarantee), as well, at the end of the term of the policy, you have the right to renew without need to submit to a new physical examination and medical or provide evidence of being able to make sure. For the new policy will have to pay a new premium for your current age.
- Permanent life insurance. Usually any form of life insurance that is not temporary. Generally these types of insurance savings accumulate. That is the case of ordinary life insurance, universal life insurance, variable life and variable universal life insurance. This type of policy covers permanent-ie-pay benefits for death, no matter when it happens, even if you live 100 years, while premium pay of course. The price premium of such insurance has also remained unchanged in recent years.
"Look for a policy that meets their needs," said Eliane Gonzalez. "And yes there are ways to save on life insurance-which does not always mean that your premiums will be the most economical from the beginning-".
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Let's see then who John Chow, the guru of make money online, says about what the best ways to achieve this goal.
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What makes Infolinks stand out is they offer the highest revenue share in the industry. Other in-text ad providers give only 40% to 50% revenue share. Infolinks gives their publishers 70% and they give that even if you are a smaller blog. In addition to the 70% payout, publishers signing up through will automatically be allowed to take advantage of all of the premium ads that other in-text companies normally reserve for more brand focused sites.
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TTZ Media Network
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Pepperjam Network
Founded by my friend Kris Jones, Pepperjam Network represents an evolution in affiliate marketing. The creation of Pepperjam Network represents eight years of research and development and the combined ideas, feedback, and intelligence of hundreds of affiliate marketers and advertisers. Pepperjam Network offers a quick and easy way to get started in affiliate marketing with the pepperjamADS.
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OIOpublisher Direct is a WordPress Plugin that automates the ad buying process so you can concentrate on blogging instead of selling. With OIOpublisher direct, advertisers can order, pay for and upload their ads directly to your blog. The only thing you have to do is approve the ad. The script can be installed on an unlimited number of domains and also works with PayPal subscription.
You want to blog, you don’t want to sell ads. Let OIOpubliser Direct do the selling for you. The plugin cost $47 and it’s worth every penny. You should make it all back and more with your first sale.
The White Rose Ladies society
Last night, surfing by the web i found a very interesting article about a secret female society originated in ancient Greece, but remains active till today.
These women have used different names in different countries.
Some of them are: "The White Ladies," "The Ladies of the White Rose," "The Daughters of Venus", "White Roses" among others.
The article said that today there are many active groups of these ladies, who claim that the nature of women is to please her man, and always beautiful and available.
According to his philosophy the males are naturally dominant and polygamous, and females on the other hand, are weaker and seductive, and nature is full of examples.
Apparently there is ample evidence of the existence of these secret societies across Europe, U.S., Latin America, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Israel.
Apparently they are cultural reasons that have prevented the emergence of similar groups in Arab countries, although some assert that already exist in most westernized arab countries.
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